Grammar post is back!
Today we’ll learn about Korean grammar 입니다 (imnida)
-입니다 is used on declarative sentences. More…
declarative sentence, downoad, exercise, grammar, korean grammar, learn korean, lesson notes, pdf, pdf download
Korean grammar lesson is here!
Today we’re going to talk about -고 있어요 (go isseoyo). More…
go isseoyo, grammar, grammar pattern, korean grammar, korean language, learn korean, pattern, present progressive, 고 있어요
We’re back with Korean grammar!
Today we’re going to talk about 와 (wa) and 과 (gwa). Both of them mean ‘and’. More…
Ready to learn some Korean grammar?
We’re going to talk about topic marking particle. Any of you already knew about this? There are two topic marking particle in Korean : -eun (은) and -neun (는). More…
grammar, korean grammar, korean language, learn korean, particle, Topic Marking Particle, 은/는, 은/는 particle
Grammar post is here~ This time we’re gonna talk about object marking particle. This particle marks the object of your sentence (obviously XD). In More…
grammar, korean grammar, korean language, learn korean, object marking particle, particle, 을/를
Today we’re going to learn Korean grammar, and it’s about verb conjugation.
So we will learn about transforming Korean verb into other form.
conjugated verb, conjugation, grammar, korean language, verb, verb conjugation
We already knew about subject in sentence. But do you know there is a particle which mark subject in Korean? It’s ‘이‘ and ‘가‘ (‘i’ and ‘ga’). ‘I’ is used when the subject will be marked ends with a consonant. And ‘ga’ is used when it ends with a vowel.
grammar, korean grammar, korean language, learn korean, particle, subject, subject marking particle, 이/가
Grammar. Hooray~
Ok. Today we’ll learn about Korean grammar and it’s about -(스)ㅂ니다 (seumnida)
-(스)ㅂ니다 is used on declarative sentences. More…
(스)ㅂ니다, declarative sentence, exercise, grammar, korean grammar, learn korean, lesson notes
Today we’ll learn Korean grammar. Yeaaay~
Come on, be excited! Usually grammar is the one that people think the most difficult part of a language. But every language needs grammar. Every language has grammar. So keep your spirit and learn it one by one. You can do it!
Ok. Get into the material. In English, we have ‘will’, which is used to express the events in the future or intention. In Korean, there is – 겠습니다 (gesseumnida).
exercise, future tense, grammar, korean grammar, learn korean, lesson notes, 겠습니다